søndag 28. november 2010

Some situations that i find funny ???????

I have legs and a bald man by my side, I`m lucky....

Pregnant dress ? Noooooooooo

If that dog shit on my pavement ones more, i will kill him !!!!!!!!

Cross my heart and legs, i tell you the truth

OOOOOO Nooooooooo

I have to fire him

4 kommentarer:

  1. Herlige serie med artige situasjoner, knallbra Øystein. God første søndag i advendt! :)

  2. Really funny pictures!

  3. Herlige bilder og ditto kommentarer Øystein:)

  4. Hahahaha… This is so funny, narrations you used against this pictures is really funny. Going to share this with others, thank you for posting it
